Brand New! {Newborn}

April 25, 2013  •  6 Comments

"I Never Knew"

I never knew I could love so much,
until the day I felt your touch.

I softly kissed your tiny cheek,
and from under your lashes I saw you peek.

Your beautiful eyes so small and blue,
my sweet little baby just brand new.

I cannot wait to watch you grow,
from your little head to your tiny toes.

My daughter my love, my little joy,
my little angel, my baby doll toy.

I promise to love you with all my heart,
I'm here for you from the very start.

I'll comfort you when you cry,
I'll answer true when you ask me, Why?

While you grow be sweet and kind,
and show all others how much you shine.

by: Martha L. Sheridan


Here's another sweet little bundle that I've had the pleasure of working with recently.  This little one was wide awake for most of her session but we did manage to get some sleepy shots as well.  She seemed most peaceful in the safe haven of her Momma's arms.  Love these of this little one!

Anson Taylor 250bw Anson Taylor 208e Classic picture...newborn baby feet!  I love how fresh her skin is!Anson Taylor 105bw Anson Taylor 106e She looks as if it's hard to open her little eyes!Anson Taylor 128e Anson Taylor 049e Anson Taylor 124e Anson Taylor 174bw Anson Taylor 241bw

Thanks so much Amber, for letting spend the morning with you and your new little one!


so precious! Absolutely love the Mother and baby pics!!
Holly Austin(non-registered)
LOVE the first and last pic especially!! You have a special talent for newborn shoots Molly!
I absolutely love the ones with Amber! She is so beautiful and looks so peaceful and happy holding her sweet baby.
Bobbie Brown(non-registered)
That first picture is beautiful! Amber, you will treasure that one always! well, all of these! But something about that first it! Another fav is the one with the heart shaped prop :) As always, I extra love your newborns sessions Molly!
beautiful pics!
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