Past and Present, at The "Old Home Place"

September 06, 2012  •  8 Comments

The pictures from this session were taken at a place that is pretty special. You see, the location that Mitzi (my cousin, the kid's Mom) chose, is the old McGee home place.  She wanted her kids pictures made there because Mitzi told me, she has so many wonderful memories from her own childhood at this very location.  While making our way around the yard photographing her children, I was reminded of the many different family gatherings that took place here in years past.  It seemed with each "backdrop" we used, there was a different story to go along with it.  This place may not mean much to an outsider, but I'm sure all of those who took part in the family life on that old hill, each have a story to tell!  So now onto the present, meet this generation, their children; Brantley, Salem, Schadd & Journey!

(left to right - Salem, Journey, Schadd & Brantley)

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Here's the notorious Front Porch!  (The "Front Porch" just feels like it deserves capital letters for it's name!  ha!)Mitzi Little kids 004e

Salam plays the guitar and let me tell you, this boy can play!Mitzi Little kids 130e

From what I understand, these strings are his first love!  ha!

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(Little different look but the vintage feel just seems to suit in this next picture.)

Mitzi Little kids 086v

One of the locations Mitzi wanted their pictures taken at...The Hill beneath the trees!  This hill has entertained many of children in years past when covered in a blanket of white while a speeding sled, slid down it's bank.  And then again on hot summer afternoons when red faced cousins had rolling body races to the finish line at the bottom.  Mitzi Little kids 230e


(Brantley, the oldest of the children)

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Journey with her pretty pink shoes on the front porch steps!

Mitzi Little kids 030e

SchaddMitzi Little kids 084e

Mitzi told me that she has pictures of her own parents holding their babies on this porch when she was little.  Now, her growing boys are pictured in the same location.


Mitzi Little kids 018e

And this next picture was taken just for a little bit of nostalgia.  You see, it never seems to fail, it there were ever kids at this house, they ended up on "the roof above the basement".  The night of the session, the past met present when Schadd had to exit by jumping off to below!
Mitzi Little kids 135e

SalemMitzi Little kids 102e

JourneyMitzi Little kids 063e Brantley (I'm sure there's a story about the old tractor in this picture, but it was before our time.  Maybe some others can fill us in.  What I do know is, this location is right beside the Scuppernong vines that held the seen of aunts and uncles enjoying nature's treats during a Sunday afternoon visit.)Mitzi Little kids 148e


The fig bush in this next picture is the same from which a switch was picked and used across Mitzi's legs (Journey's mom) when she had misbehaved as a little girl.  (I didn't know that part until after the picture was taken. ha!)   Mitzi Little kids 056e

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This last picture just felt fitting... memories from the past with a generation from the present. 

First day of 3rd grade 018ebw


These are wonderful Molly, what a great place for pictures !! Just looking at that hill now makes me itch thinking about how we used to roll down it on sunday afternoons, As for the old orange tractor - better known as "the G", I spent many hours on this thing in the garden, I did not know it was even still around, all such good memories !!!
Oh Molly, you captured the feeling of the old homeplace just perfectly....and Mitzi's children too! I don't think I could pick a favorite picture because I loved everyone of them!!! I would love to see a series done of Pagee & Magee's "house on the hill"....just an idea for later, maybe? All of us have such good memories of our times there:)
Molly, they just keep getting better and better. Love this setting, so many great Sunday afternoons spent there!
Gwen Allen(non-registered)
I love these, Molly you did a great job! I think Salem needs to use these pictures and make his aunts a cd! The one of him sitting on that tractor tool is too good to waste...
Alicia Damron(non-registered)
Great job Molly, these are beautiful! I believe I recognize that old red barn :) And you aren't too young for stories about that orange tractor, I've used it to cultivate the garden, and I'm only a year older than you, haha! And I hope your mama doesn't see the picture of them standing on the roof, I remember her getting very upset with some of us for doing that one Sunday!
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