Newborn Sweetness

July 10, 2012  •  5 Comments

Gather 'round and celebrate the joy that has been given.
A gift of love - of flesh and blood. A tiny bit of heaven.

See the wonder of it all, and marvel at the sight,
Share the happiness we know, celebrate the life.

Make memories of the times to come, of hours and days and years.
Mark down each step, each task, each word - the laughter and the tears.

For a celebration of life is such, that one must never be
In too big a hurry to stop and smell... to feel... to touch... to see.

Yes, gather 'round and celebrate the life that has been given,
A gift of love - of hope eternal. Our tiny bit of heaven.

~Author Unknown

Meet Little "K" in all her newborn sweetness!  This little one is much older than this now.  If fact, this was one of my very first post on my old blog, however, some of her photographs are still favorites of mine. 

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I so love, love, love the simplicity in the next image!Baby Kylie portraits 180ebw

Safe in Daddy's hands!Baby Kylie portraits 157bw

See the flakes of her newborn skin?  Don't you just love the freshness of brand new baby hands???

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Baby Kylie portraits 078 Kissable lil' ears!

Baby Kylie portraits 225bw Baby Kylie portraits 035 This was an un-posed shot.  I was adjusting my camera settings and while I was taking test shots, I got this image of "Momma" soothing her baby.  There couldn't have been a more perfect expression on her face. 

Baby Kylie portraits 164ebw Look, sweet little Lanugo still on her back! So many favorites from this session!

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In this next photo, this shot was a special request from her Momma & Daddy.  You see, the blanket that she's snuggled up on, was hand made by her Great Grandmother who Baby "K" never got to meet.  In fact, the blanket was made for her Daddy 30 years prior, when he was a just newborn.  His name was embroidered in blue on  the blanket, underneath where her hand is lying.  So sweet!  

Baby Kylie portraits 205ee

Thanks again for letting me spend the morning with you and capture these images!


ohhhhh.....the one of mom resting on her back....priceless! beautiful...
Bobbie Brown(non-registered)
These are gorgeous! all of them!!
Precious!! My favorite is the one with the little pink cap on laying on the basket :)
Ursula Stack(non-registered)
amazing pictures, great job Molly! ;)
Alicia Damron(non-registered)
Molly, these are gorgeous! You captured the newborn sweetness perfectly!
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